Berichten met een Label ‘oriental piano’
Artesia keyboards and piano’s

We are proudly present Artesia keyboards and piano’s.
Artesia, one of the major established manufacturers of digital pianos, is now starting out with its product portfolio in Europe.
And we are pleased that we can now offer you attractive digital pianos, stage pianos and sensationally priced digital grand pianos (digital grand pianos). In general, Artesia pianos are extremely affordable and offer a first-class price / performance ratio.
Contemporary: all pianos have a USB interface and are recognized by computers and mobile devices with appropriate adapters without driver installation. By the way: In addition to the products mentioned above, Artesia also has three beautiful pianos for the children’s room as well as a high-quality oriental keyboard. We can also deliver these models immediately from stock.
Please click here to find more about their product range of keyboards and piano’s.