Sontronics drum family
Sontronics just released their Drumpack & Drumpack Plus condenser sets.

Click here for more info and prices
“We were A/B testing the Sontronics drum mics set up against some thousand-pound mics and we had to keep checking the tracks because the Sontronics mics sounded as good if not better than the expensive ones. We were totally blown away!”
MARK RANKIN, Producer (Florence & The Machine, Adele, Plan B, Queens of the Stone Age)
“The DM-1B sounds better than my vintage Neumann U47fet, which is saying something, and the DM-1S is one of the best close mics I have ever used. Amazing!”
ANDY GRAY, Producer/Composer (Gary Numan, Radiohead, Enter Shikari, TT3D, CSI Miami)