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PWM Malevolent review
All you need to know about the PWM Malevolent. Gearjunkies & Interface Magazine talks about this beautiful analog synthesizer.
The Waldorf M wavetable Synth
Waldorf M Wavetable synthesizer
With Waldorf M, They are musically returning to their roots by bringing back classic Microwave and ‘modern’ Microwave II tone generation as a new-generation classic hybrid wavetable synthesizer with an analogue lowpass 24 dB/Oct VCF — SSI 2144 Improved Ladder Type — with resonance and analogue saturation feature, true stereo analogue VCA with panning option, and much more to explore in a desktop-friendly form factor featuring a wide range of unique sounds. Plentiful presets — totalling 2,048 sound programs (divided into 16 banks, each with 128 sounds) — professionally programmed by world- renowned sound designers also include all of the classic Microwave sound sets, such as MW1 Factory Sound Set, MW1 Soundpool 1-5, the fat-sounding Analogue and Bassco, as well as PPG Wave 2.3 sounds cleverly converted for the original Microwave. Moreover, it also features freshly-programmed sounds utilising M’s myriad new features — from true hard Sync (when working in its Modern Microwave II/XT mode) to the ARP (arpeggiator) and MIDI-syncable global LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator).
PWM Malevolent Synthesizer

PWM released their first synth called Malevolent.
This is synthesizer is a pure analog synth with digital design.
You can use this synth in a modular setup but also as stand alone synth to make you best sounds as possible.
It will be shown for the first time at Superbooth Berlin, DE
Waldorf Quantum review Interface Magazine
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